League of Legends Lecture

League of Legends is a multiplayer video game with over 100 million players and an expansive professional esports scene. It has complex mechanics and roles, a large champion roster, and a deep, interactive world to explore.

Like chess or competitive sports, it is a skill-based activity that requires learning the fundamentals before progressing to more advanced strategy and tactics. Unfortunately, many people do not approach this process correctly.
Ranks & Scales

League of Legends uses the ELO system (Elo rating system) to measure general skill level. This is based on the original system from chess and has been used in many multiplayer games. This ranking system has traditionally been bottom-heavy, with the majority of players in Bronze and Silver divisions.

Often, it takes significant effort to push up to Gold or beyond. Specialising in a few champions and regularly checking patch notes for nerfs and buffs is a good way to increase your chances of pushing up the ranks.

Scaling is a complex concept in League of Legends. It refers to the rate at which a champion gets stronger throughout the game. This is influenced by a number of factors, including the champion’s inherent stats, base numbers and abilities, which have different effects. For example, some abilities have lower cooldowns or increased damage with higher levels. Others provide utility (like the duration of a stun). Some champions scale well into the late game, while others struggle to keep up with opponents.
Mechanics & Traits

Mechanics are “methods invoked by agents, designed for interaction with particular game state”. (Jarvinen)

A champion’s mechanics include their abilities and how they interact with other champions and gameplay elements. They also include their item effects and how these affect the game.

For example, Jinx’s ability has her riding a rocket into the sky then crashing down near enemies dealing magic damage, but the effect is compounded by her trait, Tenacity, which reduces the duration of disables. The combination of these effects gives the impression that she roots foes for a much longer time.

The ability to understand and use these mechanics is essential for players wishing to become top-level competitive League of Legends players. They help a player understand what a champion’s abilities do and how to best use them in a given situation. This is important because it enables players to achieve primary objectives such as turret kills and vision control. This is especially important in close games where winning depends on a small margin.
Characters & Items

League of Legends is a free-to-play game in which players customize their avatar with cosmetic microtransactions. This study tests whether these customizations affect objective and self-estimated player performance, fun and subjective identification with the character.

Items massively boost a champion’s power and are one of the most interesting and impactful facets of the game. With close to 200 items available, optimizing item choices based on enemy matchups and the game state is an art form in and of itself.

Before buying a new item, determine what the enemy team is fed on, what their damage patterns look like and how much gold they are generating (the latter allows for faster tiering). Determine which basic abilities need a significant amount of base damage or utility and rank them first. Determine which abilites are ‘1-point wonders’ and don’t gain meaningful base damage or reduced cooldown with increased levels; these should be maxed last. Also decide which items are situational and should only be bought in specific circumstances.

Unlike mindless jogging on a treadmill or lifting weights, climbing is an exciting challenge that stimulates the mind and body. It improves gripping strength, balance, coordination and endurance. It also trains the climber to be creative and think outside of the box. Its mental stimulation and sense of achievement make it addictive, which can lead to fast improvements in a short amount of time. It is important for climbers to stay calm and not get frustrated if they fall, as this is part of the learning process. The climber needs to be able to fight “pump” (when their forearms fill with lactic acid and they cannot shake it off) and to rest in the right spot to recover.

To climb efficiently, players should select a champion pool that they feel comfortable with and stick to it. They should also play focused and avoid spamming pointless games. This will help them gain LP faster. They should also try to be conscious of the mistakes they make and work on correcting them every game.롤대리

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